Welcome to
Friends of 2 Rivers

A citizens' organization committed to promoting a safe, healthy and enriching environment for the communities at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers.

EDF climate trends•    BAD NEWS: Atmospheric CO2 concentration has been increasing at an accelerating rate: 315.70 ppm in March, 1958; 397.83 ppm in January 2014; 399.85 ppm in January 2015. The world’s atmospheric scientists have established 350 ppm as the level beyond which increasing climate change would occur.
•    GOOD NEWS: Recent agreements between the U.S., China, and India offer new hope for reducing carbon emissions and limiting the climate changes that have already begun.


Coal Road to China

If you haven't made it to any public screenings, you can view this 38 minute movie here.

Thanks to MELT (Montana Elders for a Livable Tomorrow) for sharing this link.

Coal trainOCTOBER 15TH AT 7PM
A grass roots production, “Coal Road to China” takes you to the Powder River Basin country in Montana and Wyoming and gets to the heart of the questions surrounding development of an Otter Creek coal mine and a Tongue River railroad in Montana. It then tells the larger story of what burning that coal would mean. After the film there will be a Q & A with an expert panel including: Steve Running, Regents Professor, School of Forestry, University of Montana; Bill Ritchie, Former Coal Mine Manager; Dr. George Seielstad, Astronomer/Physicist;  Dr. Paul Smith, Pediatric Pulmonologist; Elaina Buffalo Spirit, Northern Cheyenne Tribal Member; Ian Lange, PhD, Geologist. View the Trailer.

Dr. Steve Running talking to Bonner School 7th graders.The 2014 Annual Meeting of Friends of 2 Rivers will be on Tuesday, March 11, 7PM at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 8985 HWY 200, Bonner.

How do you explain climate change to a room full of 7th graders who have a whole lifetime of living on Planet Earth ahead of them? You look at the potential they - and all of us - have for making things better.

The featured presentation for the evening will be a showing of Dr. Steve Running's visit with the Bonner School 7th Grade science students which took place last April. Dr. Running and his colleague, US Forest Service specialist Faith Ann Heinsch, described the climate changes now taking place and their cause. They gave an upbeat look at the multitude of career opportunities for young people that will enable them to play significant roles in the years ahead in reducing man's impact on climate.

For more articles on Climate Change, see Sustainable Living.

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