Friends of 2 Rivers has modified its mission statement to include "Lead local efforts to engage in the global effort to permanently preserve and enhance both our social and natural environments for the benefit of future generations."

Living sustainably addresses climate change issues. Nobel Laureate Dr. Steve Running discussed climate change on March 24, 2011.


"Climate Change Q & A" is a program presented to Bonner School 7th graders by Dr. Steve Running and Dr. Faith Ann Heinsch on April 23, 2013.


"The Science of Climate Change: Answers to Student Questions" (PDF) is a slideshow presented to Bonner School 7th graders by Dr. Faith Ann Heinsch on April 23, 2013.

Other articles on climate change:

Dr. Steve Running: Five Stages of Climate Grief

Considering Climate Change: A thoelogical reflection on climate change by Pastor Jean Larson of Our Savior's Lutheran Church

Climate Change Effects Thinking about climate change may be uncomfortable, but it's necessary

Thoughts on Independence An essay by Michael Jarnevic

Dr. Steve Running: Biography

Dr. Steve Running Speaks on Climate Change