Looking for information from past newsletters of FOTR? (Newsletters are in PDF format)
Pages 1 & 2: "Scientists Discuss Climate Change with Bonner 7th Grade Science Classes" written by Gary Matson, Sustainability Committee. Dr. Steve Running and Dr. Faith Ann Heinsch answer questions about climate change posed by Bonner School 7th grade science classes.
Page 3: "The Easy Way Or the Right Way???" written by Mary Erickson, Fo2R President. Mary discusses the Blackfoot River cleanup.
Page 4: Be Bear Aware. "5th Annual Superfun(d) Run" written by Sue Furey, Race Director. Hooked on Art, February 8, 2014.
Page 1: Superfun(d) Run, April 21. Historic Interpretation Workshop, April 14.
Page 2: Opening of Milltown State Park. Development at mill site. Local elections.
Page 3: Milltown Garden Patch news and history of local gardens.
Page 4: Patrick Friede's Eagle Scout Project: solar lights for the Piltzville Trail.
Pages 1 & 2:HOOKed on Art is hosted by Bonner School, Missoula Art Museum and Friends of 2 Rivers and features Bobby Tilton, the Art Market, heritage lunch benefitting Bonner Close Up students, Carl Rohr's quilts on display, and musicians on stage includinf John Floridis, Blue Mountain Music Makers, Noah Eikens and other student musicians, Childbloom Guitar Quartet, and ACCLAIM barbershop quartet.
Page 3: Molly Bradford of SBS Solar and Arron Hanson, Axmen, explain methods and installations to markedly reduce homeowners' energy consumption.
Page 4: "A Year on Our Side of the Mountain....snippets of writing about 2011" is compiled from articles written by Jen Slayden for Make It Missoula.
Page 5: News from the Bonner Milltown History Center including "Milltown State Park: Our New Park Follows an Old Tradition."
Page 6: "A Director's Perspective" by Gary Matson discusses scientific evidence vs political or religions belief.
Page 7: Stories about the Milltown Garden Patch, Fo2R pint nights at area brewpubs, the "Light the Trail" project, and the Bonner School Jack Pack training to run in the Superfun(d) Run on April 21.
Page 1: 3rd Annual Superfun(d) Run, April 16. The Jack Pack, Bonner School's running club.
Page 2: Considering Climate Change, report of a program by Dr. Steve Running.
Page 3: Megaload Update. An update on megaloads using Montana's scenic highways and on the effects of developing the tar sands.
Pages 4 & 5: News from Bonner Milltown History Center: Historic Milltown house; Calendar of upcoming events; Roundtable programs Local 3038, fire, and scouting; Conclusion of story "Boots - Manly Footwear - Millworker's Choice or Attitude Adjusters" by Glenn Max Smith.
Page 6: Local news from Bonner Milltown Community Council, Hellgate Lion’s Club, Milltown Garden Patch, and Bear Aware.
Page 7: Hooked on Art recap; introducing new Friends of 2 Rivers directors Alison Mynsberge and Shawn Crimmins.
Page 8: “The Earth Will Weep,” a discussion of the impact of tar sands development by President Warren Hampton.
Pages 1 & 2: HOOKed on Art is hosted by Bonner School, Missoula Art Museum and Friends of 2 Rivers and features George Gogas, the Art Market, heritage lunch benefits Bonner Close Up students, Carl Rohr's quilts on display, and musicians on stage include John Floridis, Blue Mountain Music Makers, Noah Eikens, Childbloom Guitar Quartet, Queens of Rock, and the duo Nathan Zavalney and Caleb VanGelder.
Page 2: Announcements about the Sustainable Living panel "Considering the Effects of the Mega-loads" and preparation for the Super Fun(d) Run with free training classes at Bonner School and training tips beginning in March offered by Jen Slayden.
Page 3: Bonner Milltown History Center news. History Roundtable schedule. Story by Glenn Max Smith.
Page 4: "Imagining the future..." reflections by Fo2R President Warren Hampton.
Page 1: "What's in Store for Our Forests?" Sustainable Living program announcement. "Goal of Restoration: Restoring Natural River and Floodplain Function" discusses the goals and methods for achieving natural river and floodplain restoration.
Pages 2 & 3: "Restoration Progresses with Milltown Riparian and Floodplain Revegetation." Excerpted from a publication by Tom Parker, Geum Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Page 4: "Back by Popular Demand: 2nd Annual Superfun(d) Run April 17" by Sue Furey.
Page 5: "Action Pending on Stimson Cooling Pond Consent Order and Lawsuit Settlement" by Keith Large, MT Department of Environmental Quality.
Page 6: "HOOKed on Art Reflections: Walter Hook’s Legacy Enriches Community" by Warren Hampton.
Page 7: Generous HOOKed on Art Sponsors Provide Art Scholarships for Bonner Students." Lean Healthcare West, The River City Grill, Matson’s Lab, Irestone Web Design, Dr. Terry and Mary Zahn, and Warren Hampton, Oz Architects sponsored HOOKed on Art.
"Enjoy Area History Live and On-Line" by Judy Matson. News from the Bonner Milltown History Center, new community garden.
"Local Elections Uncontested." Bonner Milltown Community Council and Bonner School Board elections are uncontested.
Page 8: "Back Page Ramblins...2010" by Friends of 2 Rivers president Chuck Erickson. Chuck mentions the many projects slated for 2010.
Pages 1 & 2: Sustainable Living Strategies "Back to the Basics" & Modern Technology Offer Possibilities for Quality Living that are Easy on the Earth.
Solar is Accessible to All of Us by David Max: David reports on the solar installation he and his wife Jill Max obtained for their home.
Growing Food Grows Community by Jill Russell. Jill outlines the benefits of a community garden and explains methods for getting a community garden established.
Page 3: Strong Local Support for Acquisition of Montana Legacy Project Lands Adjacent to Proposed State Park & the B Hill by Jim Berkey, Land Protection Specialist, The Nature Conservancy. The Milltown Redevelopment Working Group, Fish Wildlife and Parks, The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Lands have submitted at grant to the Natural Resource Damage Program to procure local lands for public ownership.
Page 4: Revegetation Efforts Build on Discovery of Original Floodplain Surfaces by Tom Parker, President and Principal Ecologist, Geum Environmental Consulting, Inc. The newly aligned floodplain is close to the conceptual design, but will offer surfaces for more wetland features; the historic floodplain is still intact after 100 years; revegetation will offer volunteer opportunities.
Restoration Activities Going Full Speed by Doug Martin, Project Manager, Montana Natural Resource Damage Program. Work is already underway upstream of Duck Bridge; grading and floodplain construction will begin as early as May, 2009 as Envirocon completes remedial work in some areas.
Page 5: New Directors Bring Many Talents to Friends of 2 Rivers by Sue Furey. Warren Hampton, Senta Sandberg, and Jill Russell joing the Board of Directors. Cindy Jimmerson, departing board member, is thanked for her years of service.
Page 6: History Events Abound During Winter & Spring by Judy Matson. The Bonner Area History Roundtable is sponsoring the series "Working at the Mill." Next session is April 19, 2009. In March, Kim Briggeman led the forum "When Bonner Was Young" as part of Bonner School's adult education program. Bike Walk Bus Week features a Milltown History Walk on April 29 and Bluff Tour on May 2.
Page 7: A Treasure: Hooked on Art Delighted on All Levels by Mary Erickson. Reminiscenses of the 4th Annual Hooked on Art, which offered treasures for the eyes, ears, taste buds, and heart and soul. An invitation to attend the 5th Annual Hooked on Art celebration on Feb. 13, 2010.
Page 8: Healthy Interest Sparks Contested Council, School Board Elections by Gary Matson: Five candidates are running for two seats in the Bonner School Board of Trustees. Five candidates are also seeking election to two seats on the Bonner Milltown Community Council in the May 5 election.
Residents Ponder Housing Possibilities by Judy Matson. West Riverside residents are meeting as a Housing Subcommittee with the Community Council Land Use Committee and representative of Scott Cooney to look at potential dwelling designs for the West Log Yard.
Page 9: It's Time for Some Super Fun: 1st Annual Superfun(d) Run April 18, by Sue Furey, Reports on the run, the color guard, and pancake breakfast at Our Savior's Lutheran Church to follow.
Page 10: Back Page Ramblin's: "Restoration." President Chuck Erickson observes that, like the river which is moving cobbles and sediments while getting back where it wants to be on its slow movement toward to the sea, it's time for the community to patch our scars, heal, and prepare for our slow inevitable trip to the future.
November, 2008
Page 1: Activities Kick-off Implementation of the State's Restoration Plan; Data Show Newly Exposed Floodplain & River Slope Match Restoration Design Plan.
Page 2: Blackfoot River Log Removal; Scott Cooney Invites Comments About Developing the West Log Yard.
Page 3: The Montana Legacy Project; Land Ho!
Page 4: Sedimentary, My Dear Watson!
Page 5: Bugs Are Boring in Bonner; Presentations Add Perspective to West LogYard Development.
Page 6: Updates of Interest: Bonner History Reprints Available Dec. 13; Activity at West Log Yard; A Heathier Bonner - Walk 3.1 or 6.5 Miles in My Shoes; Mark Your Calendars: Hooked on Art, Feb. 7, 2009.
Page 7: WYSIWYG...a Friends of 2 Rivers Tradition.
Page 8: The President's Corner: Hang In & Stay Positive.
June, 2007
Page 1: Never a Dull Moment...Community Adapts to the New; Celebrates the Old. Park design workshop preview. Plans for Hooked on Art 2008.
Pages 2-3: A Look at the Plan for Restoring the Clark Fork River Floodplain.
Pages 4-5: Floodplain Restoration: Rooted in Research.
Page 6: Cleaner Clean-up Proposed for Clark Fork River Sediments; River closures.
Page 7: Notes of interest....trail update, pedestrian bridge design, speed limits, local meeting schedules.
Page 8: President's Corner. "New Direction." Chuck Erickson reflects on the layoffs at Stimson and recognizes the help that EPA, Sen. Baucus, the State of Montana and Missoula County have provided to the community to lessen the negative impacts of remediation and restoration.
September 2006
Page 1: Community at the Confluence, 12:30-4:30 on September 17, 2006 at the picnic area by Milltown Dam or Bonner School, if rain. Free. Theme is "Place of the big bull trout." Salish tribal members reflect on the significance of "the place of the big bull trout." David Schmetterling (FWP) explains the life of the bull trout. NorthWestern Energy hosts public powerhouse tours.
Music by LP and the Federales. Concessions sold by Bonner School Close-up students and Friends of Two Rivers.
Information about the Superfund cleanup includes displays by EPA, NRDP, DEQ, USFWS, CFRTAC, Envirocon, FWP, Milltown Superfund Site Redevelopment Working Group, plus MT Natural History Center, Historical Museum @ Ft. Missoula, MT Museum of Art and Culture.
Pages 2 & 3: "Restoring rivers to a 'naturally functioning, stable system' a challenging goal" by Doug Martin, Pat Saffel, Gary Decker, and Tom Parker. Discussion of the restoration of the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers.
Pg 4: "Wildlife of the 'Blackfoot Delta'" by Mike Thompson, FWP. Discusses the opportunity for benefiting diverse wildlife populations offered by restoration.
Pg 5: "Removal of Milltown Dam will restore the potential for native fishes to reestablish migratory traits" by David Schmetterling (FWP). Discusses the problems to migratory fish caused by Milltown Dam and the potential for fish to reestablish migratory traits and recover and enhance local populations after the dam is removed.
Pg 6: "Updates of interest" including grants awarded, Milltown Monday, Redevelopment Working Group, CFRTAC/OCPA air quality meeting, Bonner Community Council
Pg 7: Directions to Community at the Confluence
Pg 8: "In this issue....."
February 2006
Page 1: Hooked on Art, Bonner School, 10-4 on February 11,2006. Reminiscences about Walter Hook by Janet Hook Julin, Richard Bush, Vic Hangas, George Gogas, and Rudy and Lela Autio will be shared in the school library which has been transformed into an art gallery displaying the school's original mural "Bonner Legacy" and other Walter Hook works on loan from the Missoula Art Musuem. Also featured is the "Community Art Market" in the gymnasium with quilts by the Blackfoot Piecemakers Quilt Guild and displays by 27 local artists for "show and sell."
For more about "Hooked on Art," see these Missoulian articles:
Walter Hook art inspires community to inspire art (2/10/06)
Artist Walter Hook remembered during daylong fete at Bonner School (2/12/06)
Pages 2 & 3: "User's guide to groundwater" gives an introduction to our aquifer. Diagrams show water flow, how wells potentially impacted by future drawdowns will be evaluated for preventative action, and the location of wells affected by the October/November, 2005 drawdown.
Pages 4 & 5: "Welcome to Wells 101." Master Plumber Chuck Erickson explains how well casings are installed, what's in a well casing, types of water pumps commonly used, and well safety.
Page 6: Schedule of events for "Hooked on Art."
December 2005
The Directors review the past year and look ahead to 2006. In the President's holiday letter. Chuck Erickson reflects on how uncertain we feel when we anticipate a big change: "The rivers will still be there, and they will go on quietly influencing people's lives, helping to build memories, different than ours but still just as precious. My hope is that someday someone from time to time will be sitting in the park at the confluence and look back and maybe say a quiet little thanks to the people of Milltown and Bonner for going through that scary anticipation and standing up and doing the right thing."November, 2005
Page 1: Natural Resource Damage Program (NRDP) representative Doug Martin outlined the Draft Restoration plan.
Pages 2-5: Details of the Draft Restoration Plan.
Page 6: Photos of the Bonner Dam, 1884 - 2005
Page 7: Community Day at the Confluence photos. Opportunity news. Redevelopment Working Group adds new members. "Hooked on Art." In honor of Walter Hook and our local artists, Bonner School and Friends of Two Rivers are planning a celebration of the arts at Bonner School on February 11.
Page 8: Profile of Joe Devlin, FOTR board member.
August, 2005
Page 1: Community Day at the Confluence, A Celebration of Place will be held Sunday, Sept. 25 from 1 - 5 at the picnic shelter at Milltown Dam.
Page 2-3: The Consent Decree announcement was made Aug. 2 at the Milltown Dam. Comments about the Monitoring Plan. Opportunity citizens organize. Bonner School news.
Page 4: The Director's Corner. "The river knows" by Mary Erickson.
May, 2005
A copy of the postcard mailed to remind community residents of the citizen input hearing of the Missoula County Local Government Input Hearing and of the Milltown Superfund Site Redevelopment Working Group presentation.
December, 2004
Page 1: Russ Forba and Diana Hammer (EPA) discussed remediation at the Milltown Superfund Site. Doug Martin (NRDP) presented updated information on the restoration plan. Peter Nielsen (MCHD) talked about Missoula County's role and the Milltown Redevelopment Working Group.
Page 2: Features articles on the history of the project. "Pioneers" discusses the contributions of citizen volunteers including Len Schombel and Bob Benson (CFRTAC). Describes the work of the Clark Fork River Technical Assistance Committee (CFRTAC).
Page 3: Questions and Answers about remediation and restoration. FWP Reg. 2 Parks Manager Chris Lorentz highlights the challenge of protecting a popular resource. FWP Reg. 2 Fisheries Manager Pat Saffel describes how the restoration will improve the fishery.
Page 4: Updates on the work of the Redevelopment Working Group and on the removal of Stimson Dam. Newly elected FOTR directors for 2004-2005 are Barb Bush, Chuck Erickson, Mary Erickson, Kevin Furey, Sue Furey, Cindy Jimmerson, and Gary Matson.
November, 2004
A copy of the postcard mailed inviting members to the Annual Meeting. The program featured a panel discussion by Dianna Hammer (EPA), Doug Martin (NRDP), Pat Saffel (FWP), Chris Lorentz (FWP), and Peter Nielsen (Missoula County).
June, 2004
A copy of the postcard mailed to urge support for EPA's revised proposed plan and ideas for written comment.
May, 2004:
Page 1:"What Has Changed" by Mary Erickson. Details the changes between the EPA's original cleanup plan and the revised proposed plan released on May l7.
Page 2: "Bypass Operation Keeps River Healthy" by Gary Matson. Describes the bypass channel for the Clark Fork River and its role in reducing the amount of sediments released during cleanup.
Page 2-3: "Restoration to Coordinate with Cleanup" by Barb Bush and Judy Matson. Explains the connection between remediation and restoration, the next steps in public involvement for the restoration plan, and briefly describes the removal of the Stimson Dam.
Page 3: "The Sediments: Where and How?" by Sue Furey. Discusses the siting of the repository, the new rail spur for loading sediments, and the dust issue.
Page 3: "Public Health" by Barb Bush. The new plan would reduce short-term risk to local groundwater quality.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. Chuck visualizes the history of the confluence.December, 2003:
President's holiday letter. Chuck reflects on the process of cleaning up the river: "....As we work towards cleaning up the rivers, sometimes I feel like we're the little kid fashioning a new ornament with the popsicle sticks and glue. Our sticks are the various agencies and committees; our little pice of felt, the river junction, and our glue being our community voices and opinions. We work to combine them not really knowing how this thing is going to turn out in the end, but visualizing a real beautiful tree with our ornament being right there front and center...."December, 2003:
The directors sum up 2003 and look ahead to 2004.September, 2003:
Page 1: "Natural Channel Design." Reviews natural channel design as outlined in the Trustees' Draft Conceptual Restoration Plan and explains why leaving the powerhouse in place is inconsistent with river restoration.
"FOTR Anniversary brings satisfaction, challenges" by Mary Erickson and Judy Matson. Reviews FOTR's first year and looks ahead to the future.
Page 2: "'And a River Runs Through It...'" Recognizes the rich heritage of the confluence of the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers.
"Once they thought the earth was flat..." Ideas can and should change as new information is learned. The earlier idea that the powerhouse might be retained as a museum is now known to be unrealistic because of periodic flooding and the expense of maintaining it in its current location.
Page 3: "Something's fishy here." Explains how the constriction caused by leaving the powerhouse would negatively impact the river both upstream and downstream.
Page 4: "The President's Corner..." by Chuck Erickson. Chuck urges community members to send their comments to the State by the October 15th deadline and to attend a meeting hosted by the State on October 9th.June, 2003:
Page 1: "EPA Cleanup Plan: RSVP by June 20." Two local citizen's groups each have reasons for supporting or opposing the EPA cleanup plan. FOTR urges citizens to become informed and register their oppinions with EPA by the comment period deadline.
Pages 2-3: "EPA Community Question & Answer Session." Russ Forba, EPA Project Manager for the Milltown Reservoir/Clark Fork River Superfund Site, held a question and answer session for community members on May 28th.
Page 3 and insert: "Trustees present draft Restoration Plan for the Clark Fork and Blackfoot." Doug Martin (Natural Resource Damage Program) and Pat Saffel (Fish, Wildlife, and Parks) presented the State's proposed river restoration plan which recommends restoring the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers to a natural channel design.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. Even though it's summer, Chuck encourages folks to take time to consider the restoration plan.
Restoration plan insert. "State officials answer questions about river restoration."
FO2R Membership Drive Insert. It's never too late to join the Friends of Two Rivers!April, 2003:
Page 1: "Go, Dog, Go!" (newsletter committee) Gives information on how to participate in the EPA comment period for the proposed plan for the Milltown Reservoir and Dam.
Pages 2-3: "Clean-up Proposal Out at Last!" (newsletter committee) Describes the long awaited EPA "Superfund Program Clean-up Proposal of the Milltown Reservoir Sediments Operable Unit."
Pages 3-4: "Concerns voiced about details." Because he cannot speak for EPA, Peter Nielsen was unable to answer all of the concerns raised about the proposed plan. He is familiar with many of the details and offered individuals his help in gathering more information.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. A long-time area resident, Chuck reminisces about the past view of the area and what the future might bring. As a Viet Nam vet, Chuck wishes board member Kevin Furey good luck in his military tour of duty in Iraq.
Poll Questions: Friends of Two Rivers polls its membership about EPA's proposed cleanup plan.
February, 2003:
Page 1: "Hot 'dam'...It's a Party!" by Mary Erickson. Friends of Two Rivers combats cabin fever with a best "dam" chili contest and silent auction.
Page 2: "The Milltown Dam: Safety Really is a Concern" by Sue Furey. Describes the history of safety concerns about the Milltown Dam.
Page 3: "The Future is Now." Encourages readers to participate in the Working Group for the Milltown Superfund Site Redevelopment Initiative to help create a redevelopment plan to offer to the community.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. At Gov. Martz's invitation, Chuck and Mary Erickson, Kevin Furey, and Gary Matson attended the State of the State address in Helena where the Governor made her announcement in support of cleaning up the Milltown Reservoir and removing Milltown Dam.January, 2003:
Pages 1-2: "Graphing Groundwater" by Mary Erickson. Describes the information about the Milltown Reservoir's groundwater gathered by Dr. Christine Brick in conjunction with Dr. Bill Woessner, both of UM. Chris is currently staff scientist with the Clark Fork Coalition.
Page 2: "Well Logs Provide Info Related to Groundwater Levels." Peter Nielsen of the Missoula City/County Health Department reports on his study of the well logs in the area and how land owners can obtain specific information about their wells.
Page 3: "Five Feet High and Rising...." A history excerpted from "Floods on the Clark Fork River" by Steve Blodgett and Len Schombel, written for the MTAC News, August, 1994.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. Chuck encourages folks to become informed and involved in supporting the cleanup of the rivers and the Milltown Reservoir.
Insert: "Unbalanced Weights" by Bob Benson, member of the Clark Fork River Technical Assistance Group (CFRTAC). Bob writes a guest editorial discussing EPA's ranking of alternatives 3A and 7A in the cleanup plan.
December, 2002 :
Page 1: "The Story of Arsenic" by Sue Furey. Describes the concerns raised by high arsenic levels at the Milltown Reservoir where in Area 1 the sediments are 30 feet thick and the primary source of contamination in local wells.
Pages 2-3: "Len Schombel" by Gary Matson. As a geophysicist, Len has helped us understand the geology under the dam and its inherent weaknesses.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. What happens after the toxic waste is cleaned up? Chuck describes the work and membership of the local Steering Committee formed under the EPA Superfund Redevelopment Pilot Program.November, 2002 :
Page 1: "In the beginning...." by Mary Erickson. Describes the founding of Friends of Two Rivers.
Pages 2-3: "Why remove the Milltown sediments and dam?" by Gary Matson. Discusses the need for the cleanup and related safety issues.
"Meeting with Governor Martz" by Kevin Furey. Recounts the Oct. 24, 2002 meeting with the Governor and Natural Resource Advisor Todd O'Hair.
Page 4: "The President's Corner" by Chuck Erickson. New president Chuck Erickson introduces himself to the membership.