A Theological Note from Pr. Jean Larson
Some of my Christian friends have trouble with climate change. I’ve heard from them two areas of theological concern. One is that human causation is not proven and they have a hard time embracing it on that score. Second, they cannot believe that God would allow the earth to be so seriously damaged, given the promise that God would never again send a flood.
Here is my response....
The second matter of God’s promise is important. However one might understand the story of the ancient flood, what God promises is clear: that God will never again cause ruin to creation. But God is not causing climate change. We are. And for some unfathomable reason, God has not been rescuing us from our folly. God does not rescue us from war or famine or earthquake or holocaust. Climate change is not an “act of God.” It is clearly our responsibility, and we are called to embrace it – for the sake of God’s creation and for the sake of all the people who will suffer grievously from climate change. God remains faithful, and the Spirit of God gives plenty of courage and wisdom to help us live generous lives as we accept the responsibility of ameliorating the effects of climate change. It is one more way that we live out our faith. God’s work: Our hands.
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