Louis Archambault: Architect and Artist
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Louis has lived in and painted his birthplace of New England and in the Southwest. It's in Montana where he studied architecture and art at Montana State University that he has practiced most of his career. In the late 1970's Louis studied watercolor with Walter Hook.
His prime art education has been taking more than 30 painting workshops with nationally known artists. In 1996 Louis began offering his own workshops including the unique technique of combining watercolor and pastel, his two main media, as well as perspective of the artist and other topics. His subject matter is varied with the specialty of the human figure. His style is evolving from romantic realism to impressionistic.
Louis' work can be viewed in galleries throughout Montana including the Upper Missouri Artists Gallery of Original Art in Helena which he jointly owns. His artistic credits include the Orvis Company Award for Sporting Art, artist-in-residence at the American Fly Fishing Museum in Vermont, artist-in-residence with the Helena National Forest, C.M. Russell Auction of Western Art, solo showings in Glacier National Park and the Holter Museum in Helena, acceptance into the Pastel Society of America, and numerour awards and charter memberships with many national watercolor and pastel organizations.
He has had more than 20 paintings published, including a series of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This series was featured in a four month exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Center in Great Falls in 2006. In 2003 he first traveled in Europe, painting in France and Italy, and in 2006 he lived in Hawaii for 12 months. Louis first studied and produced in oil in 2008.