
Walter Hook Remembered

Bonner School graduate Hayley Barnier interviewed Walter Hook’s granddaughter Nissa Liesz on Feb. 11, 2006 for the school newspaper The Whirlpool

Q: “How do you remember your grandfather?”

A: “Well, he died when I was three years old. He was funny, he joked around a lot, and he would let us play in the studio.”

Q: “When did he pass away?”

A: “In 1989.”

Q: “When and where was he born?”

A: “1919, April 25th in Milltown.”

Q: “Why was he important to you?”

A: “Well, he was my grandfather. I like to look at him as an inspiration.”

Q: “Why did he become an artist?”

A: “I guess it was just a passion for him. He majored in math and physics.”

Q: “How did he become an artist?”

A: “I think he started out at the head of the art department and people just started recognizing his work.”

Q: “How did you feel about him being an artist?”

A: “It’s exciting! I loved it; it’s a creative side of him, and an inspiration.”

Carl RohrI began quilting in the mid to late 90's while living in Bonner and serving as pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran Church, largely because there were quite a few wonderful quilters in the congregation and the area.


I had made a few simple block quilts when my children, now ranging from 36-44, were small, but had occupied my creative muses since that time with wood work, needlepoint, cooking, etc.  When I got back to quilting, I did so with a vengeance, and always have several quilts spinning in my head before I have the time to actually make them.There are so many wonderful fabrics available since quilting has reemerged as a popular art form in this country and around the world.  I love to make use of many different patterns, colors, and hues in my quilts, but I gravitate mostly to bright and intense colors and lots of movement.

I first came to Montana in 1964 as an intern from what is now Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.  I never really left other than two years back in Columbus to finish my schooling, and a seven year stint in Post Falls, Idaho, serving a congregation which, at that time, was part of the Montana Synod of the American Lutheran Church.  I also served congregations in Townsend, Wibaux, Hamilton, Billings and Bonner. When I retired in 2006, my partner and I moved to Ronan, Montana.

I have four children: a church musician in Minneapolis, a publicist in Hollywood, a bank employee in St. Paul, and an attorney in Washington, DC.  I also have four grandchildren and one great-grandchild, all in St. Paul.


orange-is-blue-and-blue-is-The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, Colorado currently is exhibiting "Male Call: Quilts Made by Men."

Carl's quilt "Blue is Orange and Orange is Blue" is a part of that exhibit.


Montana Men Who Quilt

Fair exhibit proves real men quilt Lake County Leader: Read more about Carl and Montana Men Who Quilt.

HOOKed on Art Home


Friends of Two Rivers is no longer hosting the Hooked On Art event.

If you are interested in local area art, please check out these artist shops and galleries.


Missoula Artists Shop

4 Ravens Gallery

Clay Studo

ZACC (Zootown Arts Community Center)

Dana Gallery

Radius Gallery


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