The history of the Bonner-Milltown area is long and varied and it follows that information about the area is located in many places. This website provides some of the information, but the researcher should plan to seek out many sources which may include:

The Historical Museum at Fort Missoula

Archives and Special Collections at the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana

The Montana Historical Society


  • Dedman, Bill and Paul Clark Newell Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune (New York NY: Ballentine Books, 2014)
  • Gordon, Greg When Money Grew on Trees: A. B. Hammond and the Age of the Timber Baron (Norman OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014)
  • Smith, Minie The Missoula Mercantile: The Store that Ran an Empire (Charleston SC: The History Press, 2012)