Welcome to
Friends of 2 Rivers

A citizens' organization committed to promoting a safe, healthy and enriching environment for the communities at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers.

Race-start-webHit the trails in preparation for the Superfun(d) Run coming up Friday, April 21. The one mile is at 6pm and the 5k and10k runs start at 6:30. Kids eighth grade and younger run free in the one mile and 5k races! Register at www.competitivetiming.com or at www.runsignup.com

Receive free running socks and a ticket to the Souper Supper at Our Savior's Lutheran Church after the run.

Thanks to run sponsors KC and Jenn Brewington, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, and Friends of Two Rivers.

Registration for the Superfun(d) Run is online. Register here!

A note from the Superfun(d) Directors:

superfundo-run-runnersAlong with Alice Whiteman, I am directing this year's 2016 Superfun(d) Run, our annual COMMUNITY fun run sponsored by Run Wild Missoula. This event is a wonderful way for us to come together to celebrate Earth Day, healthy family fun, and community.

SAVE THE DATE: April 23rd. 1 mile fun run starts at 9am, and 5k or 10k starts at 9:30. Once again we have secured the funds for ALL BONNER K-8 students to participate for FREE in either the 1 mile or the 5k run!

Parents, please watch for your child's participation waiver to come home. These need to be turned in by April 15th! Other community members who would like to run or walk can sign up directly online at Run Wild Missoula at runwildmissoula.org

Also, Our Savior's Lutheran Church will be serving a pancake breakfast starting at 9:30 for community members. With a donation from the new owners of the mill site, ALL BONNER STUDENTS who run the race will receive a FREE BREAKFAST! All other family and community members can partake for $5. The church will have a craft sale during this time as well.

We are actively seeking help from volunteers. Positions include set up, course support, tear down, and registration. Please contact us if you are interested.
More details to follow soon.

Jen Slayden
Director-Superfun(d) Run
Alice Whiteman
Director-Superfun(d) Run

Be sure to be a part of the story! Whether you walk or run,participate in the Superfun(d) Run!

 2009: It's time for some Super Fun



2012: Superfun(d) Run 2012 ushers in Earth Day

2013: Congratulations, Superfun(d) Runners

Jen Slayden, a Bonner mom and Friends of 2 Rivers member, collaborated with Bonner School track coach Sean Kiffe to start the Jack Pack, the middle school running club. Each spring the Superfun(d) Run provides a goal for runners of all abilities and a good preparation for the track season to follow. Train like the Jack Pack! Running is mental as well as physical so lace up those running shoes and set some goals. Here's how:

The 1st Annual Super Fun(d) Run was held April 18, 2009 to celebrate the Piltzville - Rustic Road trails which were built as a result of the Super Fund project.

On April 17, 2010 the 2nd Annual Super Fun Run attracted runners and walkers to celebrate the cleanup and spring.


2010 Results: RunWildMissoula.org

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