Welcome to
Friends of 2 Rivers

A citizens' organization committed to promoting a safe, healthy and enriching environment for the communities at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers.

energy expo slideshow october 23 2012Energy Expo slideshow
Molly Bradford, SBS Solar
October 23, 2012
(View or download, 1.85MB, PDF)

Coming Soon!

A solar panelSolar energy is accessible to all of us - in our (community) gardens, to heat our homes, to light our day, and even to power our homes. Some forms of solar energy are free to all, some require planning, and some require technology and capital. With great loan and grant programs in Montana and specifically in our community, all forms of solar can be accessible to almost everyone in our community.

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Sustainable Living

Sustainable Living

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Staying Involved

Climate Change

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